My recent clients include:
Pregnancy Twinning | Latin Link | Delib | Young Women's Trust (YWCA) | Soulscape | Friends of the Holy Land
Weston Hospicecare | Resurgo Trust | Biblica | Oxford Dictionaries | Oxford Policy Management
Here are a few examples of my work:
I work with web designers to overhaul and relaunch clients' websites, whether they're rebranding or just updating their web presence.
I wrote and edited this charity's supporter magazine - this edition focused on their response to the Covid-19 pandemic
I project-managed and wrote all the content for this charity's Christmas appeal, covering direct mail, email, social media and press releases. We raised triple the fundraising target.
I managed this charity's Facebook and Twitter accounts. I was successful in driving a major appeal through social media, resulting in an unprecedented number of donations.
I compiled, edited and oversaw the production of this charity supporters' magazine.
I've written a number of direct mail appeals like this one for the Young Women's Trust - they were very happy with the response rate.
The Energy Six Pack was a research project into people's energy saving habits. I led on the website and complex Mailchimp campaign that provided tips and collected feedback over six weeks.
I have written press releases for local, national and the Christian press to publicise events and appeals.
Have a read...
Here are a few articles I have written for clients:
More web copy
I wrote the copy for these varied clients' websites: